How to start leetcode

Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

How to start leetcode

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For the last year, I have been doing LeetCode, and I can do more than just a few problems a day.

My learnings and key takeaways have helped you build your problem-solving skills
In the beginning, when I was trying to solve Leetcode problems, I couldn't even solve easy problems in one go.
People usually think we should first complete the whole DSA, then we can start LeetCode. If you do that, then when you reach the end of your DSA, you forget the array and the cycle continues. That might not be the best way to go about it
Here are some steps you can follow to improve your skills
You can do it this way by first covering array theory and basic syntax
In Leetcode, select the topic and sort by the easiest question, like a two-sum problem.
Initially, you might think that you are not able to solve this question, or that you don't understand it.
You are not the only one who has experienced this, it happens to everyone in the beginning.
Copy the question name and search on YouTube. You will find it and you can try to understand it from there.
Once you have solved four to five problems, try out the next problem on your own
When you are not able to solve the problem, bookmark it and revisit it after a week. by your won
Ideally, you should do 2 to 3 problems a day and review the problems at the end of the week. This should allow you to cover all the topics in DSA easily.
Consistency is the key

check out my leetcode profile as I just sharing my journey


by Anshuman Behera

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